
Turborepo Quickstart


Make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Monorepo setup: You need a working Turborepo project where you want to integrate a remite cache.
  • Turbocache account: If you haven't already done so, sign up for a Turbocache account by following the instructions in our Get Started guide.

Once you have these prerequisites in place, you're ready to start using Turbocache to speed up your builds even further!


Create a remote cache

After logging into your account, use the create Create Cache button to create a new remote cache. Enter the name of the remote cache to easily identify it later on and choose Turborepo as type of your remote cache.

Purchase a subscription

Go to your newly created remote cache. You will see a message that you need to choose a plan. Click on the Choose a Plan button to purchase a subscription. You will be redirected to our partner Lemon Squeezy.

Turbocache Subscriptions: Select the plan that fit your needs and proceed with payment.

If you work on the project on a daily basis or with a team of developers we recommend the Pro Subscription. Make sure to enter your VAT Number if you have one. After successfully purchasing a subscription you will be redirected back to your Turbocache dashboard.

Create Turborepo configuration

Now we need to tell turborepo which API to use as remote cache backend. Create the configuration file .turbo/config.json it it not already exists and paste the following content

  "apiurl": "",
  "teamid": "teamid",
  "teamslug": "teamslug"

The fields teamid and teamslug aren't used at the moment, but they can't be empty. The important part is to point the apiurl to our url.

Create and use your API Token

Go to the Settings / API Tokens page of your remote cache and create a new API Token. Provide a name, so you know where you're using it, e.g. GitHub Actions (CI/CD). Click on show and copy your API Token.


Its important to keep it secret as everybody with the API Token would be able to use your remote cache.

As a last step you need to provide the API Token as cli argument to the turbo commands where you want to use the remote cache. Typically the are defined in the scripts section of the root package.json file. We recommend to define the API Token as environment variable to keep the API Token secret.

"scripts": {
  "build": "turbo run build --token=\"${TURBOCACHE_API_KEY}\"",
  "dev": "turbo run dev --parallel",
  "lint": "turbo run lint",
  "deploy:staging": "turbo run deploy:staging --token=\"${TURBOCACHE_API_KEY}\"",
  "deploy:prod": "turbo run deploy:prod --token=\"${TURBOCACHE_API_KEY}\"",
  "format": "prettier --write \"**/*.{ts,tsx,md}\""

Ensure to define the environment variable before calling the typical commands:

$ TURBOCACHE_API_KEY=eyJ0eXAi...2NjQ3NTd9 npm run build